On Thursday 18th October we’ll be present at the meeting "FROM THE CREATIVITY OF THE PROJECT TO THE OBJECT, 3D PRINTING, A NEW WORLD TO THE HORIZON", promoted by FabLab on the occasion of the TREVISO CREATIVITY WEEK 2018!
FabLab (Fabrication Laboratory) is a small workshop born from the need to offer space and resources to those who want to design and create customized products using digital manufacturing tools and sharing knowledge to generate innovation.
It will be an opportunity to take stock of how Treviso is interpreting and enhancing the opportunities offered by digital production technologies and to know more about some concrete cases of successful local businesses that have taken a significant advantage from 3D prototyping for speed and effectiveness of solutions found.
In our speech we’ll tell how we used 3D printing technologies for prototyping new products and their mass production.
Who is it for?
Holders, General Management, Functional Managers, Marketing, Commercial, Production, Logistics, Finance and Control officials and employees, IT, Quality, Project / Product Manager, R & D and all those who want to understand how to give vent to their creativity through the machines provided from FabLab Treviso.
18.00 - 19.30 Round table:
• Gabriele Maramieri - Quintegia SRL
• Riccardo Visentin - Fabber FabLab Treviso
• Experienced company of rapid prototyping technology
Moderator: Luca Mattiuzzo - Fabber FabLab Treviso
19.30-20.00 Guided Tour of FabLab Treviso
The event is free, for organizational reasons registration is required
FabLab Treviso - UNIS & F Lab - Via Venzone, 12 - Treviso